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This is a picture of a plate of food
This is a picture of a plate of food

Dietary Services

The Kitchen is open daily to serve patients, employees
and visitors.

Febraury Lunch Menu

March Lunch Menu

April Lunch Menu

May Lunch Menu

June Lunch Menu

Grill Menu:

Chicken Strips
Grilled Chicken
Tater Tots
French Fries
Onion Rings

Public Hours:

Breakfast: 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Lunch: 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Patient Meal Schedule:

Breakfast: 8:00 AM
Lunch: 12:00 PM
Dinner: 6:00 PM

For more information contact:
Dietary Manager:
Cathy Barron
Kitchen: 806.995.8256

Dietary consultations are available with our registered dietician upon referral.